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5 reasons you need a Life Coach

Well, biased or not, I’m here to tell you that there are a TON of legitimate reasons. A life coach is there to help you transition through whichever phase of your life you are in. If you’re debating changing careers, a coach is there for you to help make a path towards that new job. If you’re constantly overwhelmed as a mom from the never-ending list of things you need to do for everyone else but yourself, a coach can help you resolve the overwhelm and help you pinpoint where the major stressors are coming from, and then help you create a plan to lower those stressors. If you’re sick of coming up against the same patterns in relationships, a coach can guide your exploration of your beliefs, values and needs in order to better understand yourself.

Are you simply content with your life, kind of bored, but you have no idea what you would change? Having a life coach to listen to you, work through your thoughts in a clear manner and develop action steps is an invaluable step towards realizing your full potential. We all have potential, but it’s a matter of delving into that potential, coming up with a concrete plan to bring the potential to the forefront of our lives, and finally living as our happiest selves. I want to talk about five ways a coach can help you create your happiest self:

Reach your personal goals more quickly.

The first few sessions with a life coach will usually be spent getting to know you and where you are in your life. This can be going over your daily routine, or finding out what steps brought you to the life altering change you want to conquer. Regardless of the reason you may have booked with your life coach, these first sessions are a way that a professional can hear about what is happening in your life. They can also start to help you realize exactly where you want to be, and help you figure out your end goal(s). Help validate the importance of certain aspects of your life. Coaching is a beautiful, empathic practice that listens, acknowledges and repeats your thoughts and asks for clarity. This allows you to dive deeper into your thoughts and belief systems and identify more self-aligned goals and priorities; something that you may not have ever been able to do before. 

Understanding what you want and what you value is step one in attaining the happiness you deserve. Your life coach will simply take this information and guide you to a realistic plan that will help you reach that end goal. Less overwhelm —> more bliss.  

Professional support system on call.

You may already have an amazing support system in place, and that’s absolutely wonderful to have. Support systems are necessary stepping stones to having a well-rounded life. Whether your support is your significant other, your extended family or an amazing group of friends; having these people in your life to cheer you on, or help you maintain your goals is instrumental. However, this type of support system can only help you get so far in reaching new heights in your life. They know how you currently work, not where you can go from here. This is where having the support from a life coach makes the difference. Now, your support is coming from a professional; someone who has the tools and experiences to help you along the way. It’s unbiased ears, who only wants what you want. This is a great resource since you may say you want something, but if you’ve never mentioned how important that something is, do you truly want it? A life coach is there to notice blind spots, encourage discovery and create action.

Professional, unbiased support will allow you to dig deep and find what your goals are, without the external tilted tendencies those that love and support you may (inadvertently) have.

If you don’t know where you’re going … any path will get you there.

Your life coach is there to not only support you and help you come up with what you want from your life, they also help you get there. Each session includes small steps that can, and will, help you get that big, beautiful life you want to live. The secret to reaching goals is the journey between the start and finish. You have a follow-through expert who has tools and resources readily available for you to make the journey as smooth and seamless as possible. Your coach will help you come up with small steps that will get you to that finish line. 

A coach’s job is truly to hear everything you have said and assist you in creating goals that are not only achievable and realistic, but they ultimately relate back to your core values. They will work with you to then create small action steps that make those dreams come into fruition. By working together to conquer the inner and outer challenges that may have stopped you previously, a coach will help guide you into a place where you are best able to recognize your dreams.

Lowered stress and anxiety feels good!

A life coach not only lends their support, they’re also there to teach you how to cope with stress, anxiety and overwhelm. These can all be factors holding you back from reaching your goals, and will always hold you down unless you learn to manage these triggers. Many life coaches are trained in human psychology, behavior and/or other wellness modalities and have a deep understanding of why our minds and bodies react in these ways. Teaching specific coping mechanisms to your body’s physiological stress reactions can help lower the stressors and anxieties that bring overwhelm to your life. Your life coach can also bring awareness to areas you may be neglecting, without even realizing it. 

This goes back to the unbiased support and learning about your daily rituals, and how important it is for your life coach to know about what’s going on in your life. You may not even realize what is causing some of your stress, however talking it out and diving deep into your mind can bring so much clarity, allowing yourself to move forward, and away from these negative aspects.

Balance like a Zen master.

This one can go hand in hand with lowering your stresses and anxieties; finding a balance that aligns with what is most important to you is key to living a blissful and happy life.

Achieving a balance in your life can allow you to fully immerse yourself in what is most important to you. And luckily, with your life coach, you can have a clear understanding of what you want to prioritize. This balance will allow your goals to grow and allow you to have more confidence in your choices, never wondering if every step will help you achieve that happiness level you are craving.

Bonus - rewrite your story.

Here is the ultimate secret to how a life coach can help you alter your entire life. We are only here to help you reframe your own narrative: this is the one thing that will always hold you back. If you tell yourself you cannot do something, you will never be able to do it. By allowing yourself to let go of the fear of failure, and turn any negative talk into positive thoughts, the limits as to what you can achieve are endless. A coach can help you improve your confidence and self-esteem, end your days with more satisfaction and energy, and ultimately turn your life into one that is more productive* and happy.
(*your definition of)

If you’re STILL wondering if you are someone who needs a life coach, the answer is a simple yes! Everyone can use a coach, the difference between if you should do it or not is asking yourself if you’re ready to live your happiest and most balanced life?

Book an appointment with me

Are you ready to take the leap into life coaching? Book a free consultation with me and let’s get started!