Routine that works


I could sit here for hours and write out the winning routine that has taken my life from a hot mess to a miracle, but it wouldn’t matter all that much. It’s MY routine. And the only routine worth sticking to, is the one that works for you. Tricky part: this might not be what you think you need, and that’s where self-reflection is a key first step. But there is always room to adjust accordingly, to keep ensuring the routine is made perfectly for the one person who has to get it done - YOU!

Own your season

You’ve got to be realistic about what’s possible in your current season of life [or, ahem, global pandemic life]. If you’re a new mama, for instance, you are likely feeding, rocking or soothing a baby in some way, shape or form overnight so waking up at 5am to “crush the day” isn’t really realistic.

If you work shift work, or you have perhaps taken on stranger working hours lately to adjust for other demands (kids out of school, spouse not working, for instance), the hours you used to think made sense to do a particular task in your daily routine might have to get shifted elsewhere in the day.

Expecting that your needs for routines will shift and knowing what you’re currently dealing with in your life is half the battle. Is it simply structure to the day to ensure you meet your basic human needs or do you finally want to take that leap into entrepreneur/mom/partner/super-productive-goal-getter world? (make sure you’re reeeeeally sure about that last one, btw).

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Whatever the season is, own it. You’ve got this. All seasons do eventually morph into the next and though it may not seem that inspiring to be planning goals and routines simply around your own self-care needs … this too shall pass.

Time = value proposition

Are you truly clear on what matters to you and what you value the most? If you are in the same boat as me (mom, entrepreneur, partner, human being) and also if you’re NOT … you might value time. You recognize it’s a limited commodity. You have seen it get taken away from someone before. It the the only true thing we can never get back.

So let me ask you this: are you willing to make sacrifices then on what you value less than time? Like sitting with your thoughts for ten minutes instead of scrolling through Instagram? Or committing 20 minutes to the yoga video before binging three (not four) shows back to back? Some of the best new routines are found in letting go of the need to DO before your need to BE.

Hey, I love me some Insty and I rarely go to bed without watching at least one show on Netflix. There’s room for both, but I need the routine to ensure I achieve the moments throughout the day that offer me the highest value. That means time alone, time with my family and time to focus on one major goal for the day (whether that’s work-related, a household task or getting out for a long walk).

Get out of the way please

Look: no one said it was going to be easy to get up at 5:30am if that’s what you’ve decided will best set your day up for success. It’s absolutely essential to scan your physical and inner landscapes for potential landmines and booby traps.

We all have blocks that get in our way of achieving what we truly desire. These can be action-oriented (time, money, etc) or inner-process related (limiting beliefs, fears, etc). So understanding where you have the potential to be lead astray of your goals will be your first step in ensuring their success.

In the example of waking up earlier - what does this look like? Keeping an alarm clock on the other side of the room is the consistent go-to for training to be an early riser. Keep workout clothes next to your bed if that’s the wakeup plan. Or, maybe it’s simply to sip your coffee in peace while taking a moment to journal before the day. Set up your space so it’s a no-brainer when all you want to do is crawl back to bed.

I religiously unload my dishwasher every morning while my kids eat their breakfast. My block to a disaster kitchen all day long (and thus feelings of overwhelm, resentment and irritation) is having a dishwasher full of clean dishes. If it’s emptied first thing without fail, the whole days runs smoother in ways I don’t even realize.

Self awareness —> routine —> better balance found.

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Grace is good

Rome wasn’t built in a day, routines certainly don’t need the pressure either. Give yourself some grace - grace is good. No matter what the personal season, we are certainly in a trying one, collectively. Every human being on Earth has had a redistribution of priorities this year and many of us are feeling the need to become better grounded through routine and stability. Give yourself the compassionate space to create this, and the pressure will be off.

I have a favourite saying: “if you take 365 small steps in the right direction, where will you be in a year”? That’s a lot of steps! So what IS the end goal? What are the success factors? Whether you are seeking more sleep, more joy or more productivity there are success factors or markers to analyze your progress towards the end goal along the way.

Knowing the why behind the routine, or the ultimate end goal, makes creating the action steps so much easier to map out in small steps. Maybe you want to wake up at 5am by the end of the next year. So this month, you wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual. It’s not all-or-nothing! Maybe you want to build back your core: what starts as a simple leg lift turns into a bicycle the next month. All of a sudden you’re doing plank challenges on YouTube! Ok ok…

Find the joy

Life is supposed to be fun. We take it super seriously - and I get it - thems serious times we’re in these days. That’s why it’s that much MORE important to ensure we are sprinkling in the joy every way we can.

I listen to a very specific playlist when I unload that dishwasher, not joking. It inspires me. It uplifts me. I’m happy. My kids are happy. It’s part of the routine.

We have to have fun along the way and reward ourselves where we can. It’s a struggle to get through the day a lot of the time, and we are so much harder on ourselves than we often need to be. During this incubation period I call 2020, my greatest hopes are that many people began to evaluate the standards they hold personally (and collectively) around productivity and the time=value proposition. What really matters? How do YOU really want to spend YOUR time?

When you begin to make joy more of a priority or use your valuable and limited time in more rewarding ways, you are naturally inspired to keep going. And that is to be celebrated! If you woke up early all week, take Saturday/Sunday off. If you cooked healthy meals all week, call for delivery on Friday. You yelled at your kids less? Extra glass of wine for you! Kidding, kidding - I’m not that funny.

Your highest self chose this time for you, how you spend that time is your choice of course - free will is what makes Earth fun (among other things … LOL). IF you yearn for that time to be filled with more valuable activities, better balance and enhanced joy, then a new routine may be exactly what you need.

Book an appointment with me

Are you ready to rewrite your routine? Book a free consultation and together we will create a strategy you can walk away with immediately.


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